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Tip Tuesday – Turn the Page

read books for pleasure

In honor of “Young Readers Day” (today, the second Tuesday of November) I want to encourage every Tip Tuesday reader, young and old, to read for pleasure. And when I say “read,” please know that listening to audiobooks absolutely counts!

In fact, for those that are auditory learners, listening may be the best way to absorb new information (or simply devour some new “chick lit”). Listening to books makes my daily DC commutes go by much more quickly, and did you know you can even listen to things at 1.5 to 2 times the normal speed? I haven’t tried this yet, but I’m told you “get used to” the fast-talking.

Many of you know that I participate in not one, not two, but THREE local book clubs. One of the best parts of these book clubs is that reading the book is NOT mandatory for participation. This takes the pressure off and gives me “permission” to abandon a book that I am not enjoying. (Looking at you, On the Road by Jack Kerouac!) These groups also often choose non-fiction and biographies, genres that I would not normally gravitate to, but am always glad to discover.

I want to encourage readers to try to borrow books from the library or subscribe to a digital service to help prevent book build-up at home. For books that are only meant to be read once, there is no need to add to an ever-growing home library. If you feel you must own an exceptional classic, then go ahead and purchase it, but treasure it. (For me, that was The Happiness Project, the Tenth Anniversary Edition by Gretchen Rubin!) And finally, for the old books that you haven’t picked up in years (like those from your now college student’s first-grade summer reading list), turn the page! Donate to your local library or sell them through sites like Powell’s Books and Sell Back Your Book. Put any profits toward new audiobooks, which take up no space, or “big-boy” books which you would proudly display on your home’s shelves. (For example, my daughter, now a Classics major, takes pride and joy in her collection of ancient epics.) If you love the look and feel of physical books, then make them an aesthetic focal point in your home.

orderly bookshelf

Let me know what’s on your tablet or nightstand in the comments below!