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Tip Tuesday – Tidy vs. Organized

Tidy vs organized image

Walking into one new client’s home, I almost wondered why I was there. The main level looked like the cover of Architectural Digest Magazine with every book, plant, and basket perfectly placed. But under that calm surface, behind closed doors and inside the drawers, cabinets, pantry and desk, we found troubles.

This example served as a reminder: Homes can be clean and tidy but that does not mean that they are organized! My colleague Hazel Thornton wrote a thoughtful blog on this topic. This is how she defines tidy vs. organized:

Tidy = No visible clutter lying around on surfaces such as counters, tables, and floors.

Organized = You can find what you need when you need it, and get stuff done on time.

Can you put your hands on what you need within a few minutes? Do you know WHAT you OWN and WHERE it IS? Or are you re-buying things, over and over, because you don’t know what you have? Your home may look amazing, but if these are your problems, you may not be organized.

Here’s the good news: the Simplify You team is happy to help you get both tidy AND organized! Let us know the spots where you find yourself needing the most help.