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Tip Tuesday – Shop-Free February

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff in your spaces, clothes in your closets, and provisions in your pantry? Do you want to save some money after over-spending in December?

Challenge yourself to a “Shop-Free February.”  It IS the shortest month, and you may enjoy it enough to continue!

I am inspired by Ann Patchett’s NYT article, in which she chronicled her “Year of No Shopping.” It wasn’t too draconian; she allowed herself to buy things one can find at a grocery store (like food and basic household goods), but only after she checked her home for them.

Are you ready to join me in this challenge? To start, I have made a list of everything in my freezer and have vowed to eat up those items before purchasing more. I am doing the same with the things in my pantry. (Any ideas what one can make with four cans of cranberry sauce?)

I also found an abundance of discarded toiletries in my bathroom. Even if I don’t like certain creams for my face, they are certainly good enough for my legs in the middle of a cold, dry winter.

If you’re up for a Shop-Free February, plan realistically so you can actually do it!  Maybe your only “vices” are your purses and shoes? Then just say “no” to new accessories for February—you already have plenty of pieces in your closet begging to be used.

Finally, anticipate February events that, in the past, have been shopping or spending triggers. My husband and I have agreed to exchange only cards for Valentine’s Day and to enjoy a lovely evening in, instead of giving gifts. The gift of sharing time with loved ones is far more important than yet another pair of earrings.

Comment below if you are in! And share your ideas, inspirations, and challenges with me. (Cranberry smoothies, anyone?)