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Tip Tuesday – Magnet-Free Fridge


Want a five-minute hack that will magically make your kitchen look cleaner and more organized? Get those magnets, photos, calendars, cards, and coupons OFF of your fridge, now!

I know you want to be able to see the soccer schedule and your newborn niece’s photo at a glance, and I understand. But have no fear—I have a quick solution for you: MOVE those papers to the space INSIDE of your upper kitchen cabinet doors! ALL of that information will be easily available but NOT in plain sight, creating a clutter-free kitchen vista.

My essay on this ultra-easy solution was published in the 2007 “Life Lessons for Busy Moms”, part of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Years later, it still works! I personally have my grocery lists, coupons, photos, and a calendar all “behind closed doors” in my kitchen, as do many of my clients.

Designate a theme for each cabinet door for easy reference. This way, everyone will know exactly where to find the information they need. It is so much better than visual clutter all over the fridge!

I suggest that you put quick family information (phone numbers, pet/babysitter instructions) inside one easily accessible cabinet door. Favorite recipes and grocery lists should go inside the cabinet door over your cooking counter. Sports, school, and volunteer schedules can go inside another. Finally, create a photo collage inside the door you open the most! Kids’ art can go there too.

Let me know if you try this tip and what a difference a cleared refrigerator makes in your home!