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Tip Tuesday – Fold Like You’re Filing

Made famous by Marie Kondo, the file folding technique is not so new! Professional Organizers have actually been doing for decades. This trick makes it easy to fit, find, and select garments in your drawers. Simply fold like you’re “filing” your clothes away!
In general, this means taking your “regularly” folded clothing and then folding it in half AGAIN. This creates a smaller rectangle that can stand UP in the drawer, rather than laying your garments on top of one another.

Or with leggings or yoga pants, it may mean rolling them into “logs” and lying them in your drawer. The whole point is you can SEE the variety of items you have in your drawer, instead of just the garments on the top. Make things even more effortless by using drawer dividers to keep your clothes tidy and filed!

Have you tried the “fold and file” technique? Let me know if it’s as “life-changing” for you as it is for me!