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Tip Tuesday – Don’t Let It Languish

Don't Let it Languish

During this current climate, does the concept of using all of your things seem even more poignant? 
You have likely heard me say it before, but I really want you to understand: there is no magic osmosis that comes from just owning something. None of us has the enchanted ability to obtain knowledge, style, goodwill, or fitness from just buying and owning things. You must READ the book, WEAR the clothes, GIVE the gifts, and USE the exercise equipment to benefit from having them. If the things you buy are never USED, they are wasted.

So NOW is the time to USE the good china and linens, burn the fancy candles, and indulge yourself a bit! Don’t save these things for a “special occasion.” Amidst life in quarantine, you can make every day a special occasion. Even if you just wear those new shoes to dinner in your own home, get them out and please USE them. Don’t let them languish!

Finally, if you can honestly acknowledge that you won’t use these things ever, then please sell or give them to someone who will! What will you do with the languishing things that you have? Please let me know!