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Tip Tuesday – Black And White
Because we’re all stuck indoors anyway, mid-winter is the perfect time to finally “conquer the clutter” and get organized. No matter what space you are organizing—be it the office, bedroom, garage, or basement—the FIRST step you need to take is to gather your supplies. Remember “black and white”:
Use black contractors bags for unbreakable donations (clothing, linens, toys, etc.) and white trash bags for actual garbage.
Having two different colored bags makes it easier to separate the actual trash from the “dignity condition” donations.
This is not the time to use cheap supplies. I use Glad ForceFlex white trash bags, which do not tear easily. And I recommend to ONLY use 3 mil weight, heavy-duty black contractors bags—anything less than 3 mil thick will tear.
Other supplies that are useful to gather before you start organizing include brown paper bags for paper recycling and smaller Amazon-type delivery boxes for boxing up breakable donations. That way you have a temporary “home” for items that need to go back to other people or that need to go to other areas of your house.
I hope these guidelines help you kickstart your clutter clear-out! It really is as clear as black and white!