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Tip Tuesday – Go Gray

curbing smartphone addiction by going gray

If you think you spend too much time on your phone or tablet, I am encouraging you to “go gray” and switch your phone to grayscale and see if it helps curb your interest.  

Smartphone “addiction” exists, with various statistics saying that the average American spends between THREE and FIVE HOURS on their smartphones every day!

Curious about my own habits, I switched my phone to grayscale mode. I find that I now spend much less time on social media. Photos and videos are rather dull and lifeless without colorful filters. It is astonishing how much less compelling all my apps are when they are in grayscale! I know a parent who has switched her children’s devices to grayscale, and her kids are also much less enthralled with games and YouTube, willingly putting down their phones without protest.

It only takes four taps on my new Android to switch to grayscale. And here are the instructions for iPhones. Have YOU given grayscale a try? How much time have you saved? Let us know!