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The 5 Minute The 5 Minute Fridge Door Hack!

Tired of a fridge door plastered with papers, photos, and reminders? This simple yet effective hack can declutter your kitchen in just FIVE minutes and create a much more visually appealing space.

Instead of a cluttered fridge front just use the inside of your kitchen cabinet doors. This often-overlooked space offers ample room to organize important information and memorabilia and keeps your fridge clear!

  1.  Remove it ALL: Take everything off your fridge. Wipe down the fridge and marvel at how much tidier your kitchen looks already!
  2.  Evaluate & Toss: Trash expired coupons and out-of-date calendars or invalid information.  
  3.  Create Categories: Assign a specific theme to each cabinet door for easy reference. Possible ideas are:
  •  Quick family information (phone numbers, pet/babysitter instructions)
  •  Favorite recipes, coupons, and grocery lists
  •  Sports, school, and volunteer schedules
  •  Recycling and composting instructions
  •  A  collage of your favorite photos
  •  Kids’ drawings and awards
  •  Calendars and other often referred-to items
  1.  Put it Up: Use painter’s tape or magnets on metal strips to create your themed areas inside the doors. 

Benefits of This Hack:

Enhanced Aesthetics: A clutter-free fridge door instantly improves the look of your kitchen.

Improved Functionality: Keep important information within easy reach and safe from splashes, rips or loss.

Reduced Stress: A decluttered kitchen can create a sense of calm and organization in your home.

Let me know if you’ve tried this hack and how it has transformed your kitchen!