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Tip Tuesday – Silence is Golden

Silence is Golden Image

What do you listen to when you are at your MOST productive? I realized for ME, it is the sound of silence! And there is science to support this!

◉ In a 2017 INC. magazine article, “A study published through the National Library of Medicine found that exposure to prolonged silence can actually cause the brain to produce new cells.”

◉ Scientific American states that “BACKGROUND OR LOW-LEVEL noise in the home, work, or school often disrupts people’s concentration.”

◉ In a 2019 experiment by the Journal of Medical Sciences, “Results revealed that mental workload and visual/auditory attention is significantly reduced when the participants are exposed to noise”.

Perhaps THIS is why noise-cancelling earbuds and headphones are so popular in open plan work spaces? I think so many of us need to block out annoying noises, so these tools are helpful.

And if you have something in your ears, I have heard people rave that listening to Brain.Fm works to help them focus, relax, and sleep by harnessing your brain waves with “binaural beats.” I will have to try it!

What about you? We will be discussing how best to concentrate, process paper, and accomplish tasks when I am teaching “The Paper Cleanse” in February 2022. If you want to declutter your piles and curate your files for a lifetime of paper organization, I invite you to join us!

Let me know if the “sound of silence” is what works for you for focus, or if you need music or a coffee shop to concentrate, in my FB Group “Organizing Solutions for Busy Women”.

I only recommend products I would use myself. As an Amazon Associate, if you use a link to buy something, I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks!