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Tip Tuesday – The Ultimate Home Travel Prep Checklist

The Ultimate Home Travel Prep Checklist Image

It seems everyone is planning a long vacation AWAY from home! Are you? Tip Tuesday subscribers loved my Editable Travel Checklist, which lists the things you need to remember to pack to TAKE with you on vacation. But some of you said, “this list is great, but what do I do to prepare my HOME for my departure?”

So I created the “Home Travel Prep – 15 Ts to Check Off” checklist which you can download HERE. This list has fifteen items to check off, all beginning with a “T.” It is designed for someone who is leaving their house for a week or more.  Note that if you live in a condo or apartment not all of these things may apply. 

But five of my favorite “Ts” that apply to everyone are:

TOSS – Be sure to toss out any fresh flowers or food that may spoil while you are gone.  No one wants to come home to a smelly “science experiment” in the fridge!

TOILETS – Make sure they are flushed before you go, enough said.

TRASH – Be sure that all trash is taken out of your home, the kitchen and bathroom trash especially.

TVs & ELECTRONICS – Unplug them all, including printers, and your WiFi. In fact, anything plugged in can get unplugged while you are gone.

TIDY – Make your bed and tidy up before you go. The last thing you want is to come home after a long journey to a messy home.

To see the other TEN essential home travel preparation tasks, download the easy-to-print PDF here. Before you travel, just cross off your T’s with this handy list. And if you know someone who may like this checklist, please share this link with them.

Let me know if I missed anything important, and join the conversation in my FB Group “Organizing Solutions for Busy Women”! Have a safe journey!