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Tip Tuesday – Declare Independence


Happy 4th of July! This mid-week day off is set aside to celebrate our nation’s founding. But it’s also a perfect time to step back and think about our possessions, routines, and beliefs. Thomas Jefferson wrote about our inalienable right to pursue happiness, so do right by our founding fathers and think about what the pursuit of happiness means to you. Here are some suggestions to help you declare independence from physical and mental clutter, and in turn, to help you reach your happy place:

  • Revisit your New Year’s resolutions, and ask yourself whether it is time to begin them again. Are you on target or do you need to start fresh to achieve them?
  • Get rid of the items in your home that overwhelm you and don’t support your current goals and values.
  • Create healthy, regular, and realistic morning, exercise, cooking, or bedtime routines to renew your personal well-being.
  • Revisit the ill-conceived notion that “I’m just a messy person by nature, so I can’t get organized.” I believe that everyone CAN learn anything if they care enough and want to try.
  • Declare a new independence from over-shopping. Don’t judge yourself by what you own, but by who you are!

These pointers are all worth keeping in mind. But whatever your goal, I encourage you to think of July 4th as the ideal mid-year time to do a reset, and reevaluate yourself and surroundings.  Let me know your goals and how I can support you in achieving them! Happy Independence Day!